Legal Research and Policy Analysis
Expert Legal Research & Strategic Advisory Services
Navigating complex legal landscapes requires deep expertise and strategic insight. We specialize in legal research and policy analysis on cross-border matters and areas influenced by EU law.
Our services include:
In-depth legal investigations and analysis
Reports and opinion pieces on key legal developments
Fitness checks to assess regulatory impact
Expert legal opinions tailored to your needs
Strategic litigation support to advance your legal interests
We provide clear, actionable legal research and analysis to businesses, industry associations, civil society organizations, and institutions.
Partner with us for expert legal analysis and strategic solutions.
Report on Infringement Proceedings against Sweden, Momentius Legal and Policy Analysis on behalf of Arena Idé.
Participated in Swedish podcast "Rättsfallet inifrån" on the topic of FORA insurance and the free movement of services
Opinion piece on the Swedish F-tax requirement and conflicts with EU law
Fitness Check Report for Sweden A review of the state of compliance of Sweden’s implementation of Directive 2004/38 on residence rights of EU citizens and their family members, Momentius Legal & Policy analysis on behalf of Feantsa.
Opinion piece on the topic of implementation of EU law in Swedish news paper Altinget.
Opinion piece in the Swedish news paper Göteborgs Posten.