
Legal Public Affairs (English)

Legal Public Affairs

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Our clients are both Swedish and European businesses that encounter problems when an authority or another private body applies EU rules incorrectly. This can lead to the company being prevented in various ways from selling its goods or services on the internal market.

We also provide our EU-legal expertise to trade associations and civil society organisations that want to influence the European market.

By obstacles, we mean, for example, when a company has problems:

  • due to the fact that it is treated differently from domestic businesses

  • due to requirements to pay the same or similar fees in two EU member states (double fees)

  • with offering services or selling goods in Sweden or in another EU member state

  • with classification and labelling of products that are not in line with EU law or applied differently in different member states by, for instance, unjustified tests of already approved goods

  •  assessment of standards

Examples of legal services we provide within Legal Public Affairs are:

  • Research on the legal question and assessment whether the national legislation or its application may not be in line with EU Internal market rules.

  • Represent businesses in contact with authorities both in Sweden and in other EU member states

  •  Represent businesses before national courts or EU institutions

  •  Regulatory and Compliance

  •  Legal fitness checks, reports and advocacy work


När Sverige bryter mot EU:s lagstiftning

Rapportsamarbete med Dagens Arena om hur överträdelsesituationen ser ut i Sverige och Europa.

Fitness check

Rättslig utvärdering av det svenska genomförandet av rörlighetsdirektivet på uppdrag av Feantsa i Bryssel.

Debattartikel: Stängningen av Guldhedstornet

Debattinlägg kring myndighetsbeslutet att stänga Guldhedstornet i Göteborg